I think it is a great game and also a verry accurate game about history.

User Rating: 10 | The History Channel: Civil War - A Nation Divided PS2
This game is not expensive to begin with and I think that it is a refreshment. It is the first of it's kind about the Civil War. There are pleanty of WWII Games out there and a few Vietnam games that arent that good. Also there are pleanty of new wa games like Black Hawk Down. I think they should make a few more Civil War games and mabye even a WWI game now that would be different!!! This game depicts the Civil War just like you were reading it out of a History Book. Sure the Grafix ar not the best in the world but the sound is good and the game play is good as well. I think that it is a first good start. I just hope that someone makes a few more. Mabye a PS3 Civil War First Person Shooter...