This game is one of the best games I have ever plaed.

User Rating: 9.4 | The Godfather XBOX
Alright, I have to say they really did a fabulous job making this game. When you start the game it emerses you into the dangerous world of power and respect. Gaining ranks and respect levels. Overall a very fun game but it has its downfalls. Myself I think the xbox360 version will be better. One boring thing is that once you become Don, you can't do anything cool with it. They should've made it that you could schedule your own whack jobs( hits) Fire and Hire men and also that new familys could come to power. Recomendations- The gameplay is great, I mean how much fun is it to take over New York and kill people( AND GET PAID FOR IT). The Graphics are pretty good, its ashame that they cut them down. The sound is amazing, all the original people and actors do the voices. Excelent value especially if you're a fan of THE GODFATHER. I recomend this to a person 15 or older because og blood and Language.