Resident Evil 4.... woops....i mean The Evil With In and its going to make you poo your P.J's

User Rating: 8 | The Evil Within X360

Its so much like Resident Evil 4 ,it often dont even feel like a new game but it still kicks ass ,we all know Resident Evil 4 is one of the best horror games ever made,The Evil Within moves like RE4,it feels like RE4 it don't even look much better than resident evil 4 for this day and age, right down to the level design and zombie /demons, it even has a woodland village at first of the game and very similar enemies like a chainsaw psycho once again at the first of the game,the biggest difference is there has been stealth elements like throwing bottles as a distraction and sneaking added to the mix wich makes the game more scary and dynamic in combat and puzzles,it also has a better r.p.g element like a skill tree

The story is to messed up and silly to waste the time typing the details,but any way its a silent hill type of story where hell is getting released on earth with a bunch crazy disturbing gore monsters and bizzare dream sequences blah blah blah blah,and its not new ,its been done by silent hill ,the suffering,F.E.A.R , ETC ....and the list goes on.It was extremely scary and tense but it didnt unsettle me or disturb my sleep,The game even looks old like it was should have came out 7 years ago but that is actually one of the best things it has going,because we need to go back to the old to get a true survival horror experience.

The main thing that makes this an awesome game is the one thing that all great games have no matter the graphics or mechanics,and that is struggle,this game is often difficult but addictive,its often extremely tense , the pop boo scares will make you crap your P.J's ,Thats what makes it a true survival horror game, I was always without ammo,scared shitless by something chasing me and too banged up to run fast ,followed by constant dying and cursing,now that how it works, and how a pro builds a game,after all whos afraid of a zombie if you can drop kick it in the face and blow it up with endless amounts insane fire power, remember its survival horror not gears of war.

Its some where between 7.5 and an 8 for most horror fans ,its nothing new but it sure is great.its time to throw some big money down on survival horror on next gen because i have'nt seen anything to make me buy a new console yet!!!!! get er done