User Rating: 9.8 | The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay XBOX
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay is one of the best games I have experienced yet. The graphics, sound, and game play mechanics all add up to create an experience that is unlike any other. Of particular note are the graphics. These are some of the best graphics that I have seen in a game on any platform. The characters look great and move realistically. The blood splatters on the walls. The shadows look eerily real. These things, combined with the ability to see your arms and legs in first person view, really do a good job of immersing the player into the Butcher Bay correctional facility. The game features very intense action sequences. The inmates you face in the game can be tough, and the guards you will end up fighting feature impressive AI. In short, you WILL die in this game. It is definitely not a walk in the park even on normal mode, and in hard mode I managed to be killed twice during the beginning tutorial mission. Like everything else, the sound in TCoR is very impressive. Vin Diesel does an excellent job of delivering Riddick’s lines, and each inmate you meet in the game has a unique voice and personality to them. The voice talent in the game really stood out for me. The lack of multiplayer is not a hindrance in my opinion, as the work that would have went into multiplayer may have taken away from the amazing single player experience. TCoR may suit some people better as a rental rather than a purchase, but it is definitely one of those games that you could come back to in a month’s time and enjoy as though you had never played it before.