Double Riddick-Double Fun

User Rating: 8 | The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena X360
This Package is Made from two games
escape from butcher bay and assault on dark athena

Escape from butcher bay is a remake of the old riddick on the xbox
assault on dark athena is the sequel

butcher bay is still the same But the graphics are better

If you wanna a game that lasts 20 hours and is a combination of Stealth 1st person shooter and platforming then get this.

story-you get stuck in a ship called the dark athena and you wanna get out of it

gameplay-it's a mix of 1st person shooter,stealth and Platforming

sound-vin diesel's voice acting couldn't be better and the rest of the cast is great too

graphics-great Lightning and shadows but the rest isn't that great

replay-value-two games,10 hours each to finish,plenty of side missions,three different difficulties and the multiplayer

buy it you won't regret it
