dark athena is a cheaply put together sequel to butchers bay.

User Rating: 3 | The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena PC
although the textures aren't that high res, the game does look good due to the blurring and lighting effects. there are a number of graphical glitches though. gameplay has very little story line. levels are not very well designed, and there isn't much diversity to them.

enemies are generally harder to kill, but there is glitchy AI. sometimes enemies will just freeze in place or ignore you.

the gameplay does not last that long, is generally boring, and doesn't offer anything really new or surprising. it seems more like a single person had a vision for this game, thought it was good, and convinced someone to back them in making a game around it.

more than half of the game feels like you're just running around empty maps hoping to run into an enemy. there are some objectives but very little and they aren't complicated at all. game has no replay value. unlocked content isn't interesting at all.

doesn't really allow you to take much advantage of riddicks stealth skills.

offers maybe several hours of gameplay max, if the levels weren't so un-necessarily large in some places it would probably be half that. theres literally a whole large map section dedicated to only 3 enemies. all enemies, even the bosses (if you could call them that) are very easy to beat. infact, the 'bosses' are easier to defeat than a group of enemies.

the game is sometimes unclear on how to proceed in certain areas.

this one will be in the bargain bin soon enough so I suggest you wait if you've already played butchers bay before, because this game does not have much to offer.