This game is excellent. Most of my friends thought it boring, but I enjoyed it very much.

User Rating: 10 | The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe GBA
This game is very much like the movie, with the exception of many more minions of the witch to fight. The gameplay is exciting, and once you beat it, you can get the cheats to use the Pevensie's gifts earlier. This game is one of my favorites, but I am a huge fan of the movie (I can quote most of it). If you haven't watched the movie or don't like it much, I don't recommend this game for you. The game's focus is largly on getting to a certain goal, not combat. So if you are looking for a bloody game, this ain't it!
The down side is that it doesn't really last long, but I like to replay. This game really lets you seem to experience Narnia!