An extremely addicting multiplayer mode, and ok single player mode, but overall couldve been a bit better

User Rating: 8.3 | The Bigs WII
The BIGS for wii has everything you could ask for as if you were playing baseball in real life. Pitch, run, steal, bat, and many other qualities of baseball make the wii remote very useful. You hold the remote like a baseball bat, which really makes you be playing into a real game of baseball. The multiplayer is by far the best part of this game, and maybe even one of the funnest multiplayers i have ever played all time. You can be on a team of two, being you the pitcher, and your friend the defensive players. You can also have 2 against 2 and 1 against 2. Theres also the rookie mode which you create a rookie and have him be on whatever team youd want him to be on and progess your way to team games, workouts, and many other features. However, this game couldve been a lot better. For one thing, the graphics look pretty bad, considering the team stadiums not evening looking like they are in real baseball. And also the stances for the players couldve been cool if they had there real stances in real baseball, which on this it just had a player with a baseball bat. The players on the other hand dont look like their normal selves that much. I know the wii isnt made for graphics, but they couldve at least made it a little better, well at least better than psp graphics, but that wasnt the plan. There arent many modes to choose from either. i was hoping they wouldve had a season mode or online play, and i dont know why they didnt. But on second case, using the wii remote is just awesome, and it still is a great baseball game. So my final word is get this game if you just want to have fun with friends or whoever your playing with, which makes it well worth playing. So if nintendo makes another baseball game again for the wii, if they could correct some of these issues in this one, than i would consider it the funnest game ever, by far, just because of the use of the wii remote.