Terrible AI, everyone online goes All In in the first hand, chances are if you have a bad hand you win, epic fail!

User Rating: 7 | Texas Hold 'Em X360
There is only one texas hold em game on the 360 and its only Texas Hold Em so no high card or omaha

The Good
Usually alot of people online
Cashier fills chips when low whenever (not daily or maximum by hour)
Stats are stored on how many hands played, flushes,pairs etc.

The Bad
10% Chance of playing with people who know how to play poker
Theres no real money/Microsoft Points so it condones people to play stupidly with bad hands
Everyone goes all in within the first hand as soon as they see they have a Jack,King,Ace or Queen
Single player goes all in all the time
Its a chore like slow process sometimes
Playing against the AI takes forever and there is no save function to come back later
The Interface
Usually the worst hand wins

All in all its a good poker game for the 360, but err thats only because its the only one on the 360