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User Rating: 5.5 | Terrawars: New York Invasion PC
Jumping over to the more obscure Terra Wars actually is a decent game that really met all expectations, but that isn't saying much since they where bottom of the barrel. I bought this game in a walmart bargain bin for $5 and the best part of that statement is that im not joking. Just judging from the cover art I knew this would be broken or mediocre at best. I mean how many of you have heard of the Filipino design company Ladyluck Digital Media? So just me? Shocking. And a little fact this is the 1st fps designed by Filipinos so a round of applause for them.

Story 3/10
During the game you play as John Armstrong (so original) who is in the army while aliens invade New York, and thats it. Nothing absolutly nothing more than that. Thats not a story I refuse to accept that. I hate to give spoilers away but since I have nothing else to write about (story wise) i'll explain the 1st level. So your flying in a helicopter, and you get into a battle with the aliens so you get on the machine gun to help out your soldiers and then this giant alien comes over a building and destroys your helicopter and kills everyone else. Your alone, wounded and your mission is to find the down chopper and thats all your getting out of me.

Gameplay 5.5/10
Now by todays standards the gameplay is absolutely horrible but the game gave me the feeling like I was playing an old game like half-life, the original medal of honor, goldeneye and stuff like that so even though its a a stupid game its enjoyable. Now I never tried the multiplayer because the odds of me finding anyone where pretty bad so I dont know how that is.

So bottem line its an ok game if you like retro games, or mindless fun and for a budget game its alright but has nothing to stand out in the crowd.