I'd rather be on the recieving end of the "love scene" in Deliverance than play this game any more.

User Rating: 1.3 | Terrawars: New York Invasion PC
If you've really missed seeing sprites as a major graphical centerpiece of a game, then Terrawars is the masterpiece you've been waiting for! On the other hand, if paying for a gaming experience that is both an insult and a torment, you should probably avoid this game. I cannot stress enough how agonizing the platforming in this game is. Don't for a minute think "ooooh platforming FPS, maybe they're going for something NEW". Breakdown, and Metroid did platforming in FPS as well as anyone could, and it wasn't THAT fun in those games frankly. In Terrawars... well, just imagine platforming using a slightly jazzed up Doom 2 engine. Yeah. That bad.