..don't even bother this game for the rest of your gaming life..you get more life on half-life than this one

User Rating: 1 | Terrawars: New York Invasion PC
even half-life (1998 game)and MODS,Opposing force,Team fortress,They Hunger,USS Darkstar ,Wanted!,Frontline Force,FirearmsThe Specialists,and others Half-Life mods.. is way-way better than this game my g0d! i played it and full of disappointment my first though was (who would though wasting a time to create a game like these) wake up people this game created in 2006! think back to 2000-2005 you know how many epic first person shooter was created and this game not even close to them i mean what sort of a madman who wouldn't though to create a game like this so alright you and your developers team saw this epic FPS and you probably learn the curves of those game's and you though on what suitable gameplay that should you create compare to that but no! instead you create a similar gameplay you just made a worst game ever with lack of graphic(not even using shaders) late 2003-2004 the impact of most games using shaders,lighting,bloom, on that time,messed up voice acting,and gameplay.no offenses but its now 2010..