Perfect fighting game for the PS2. This is Tekken as it was meant to be.

User Rating: 10 | Tekken Tag Tournament (Platinum) PS2
This game is among the first ones I ever played on the PS2 and it blew my mind. All the characters from the first 3 games (except for the garbage duo Gon and Boskonovitch from Tekken 3) are playable in the game, so you can be sure that there is enough variety in this game. The graphics may not seem like much nowadays, but back then it was amazing, I couldn't believe my eyes. The idea of putting in a tag feature is kinda strange at first, but it is an enjoyable change whatsoever. If you choose characters who know each other, they will argue, use the same pose or - in the case of Paul and Kuma - even fight each other! You can make snapshots during fights and save them to your memory card. You won't really find this feature useful or anything, but you can get a few laughts out of it sometimes. You also get a Tekken Bowl mode (the only other Tekken game featuring something similar is the PSP version of Dark Resurrection). The characters feel different here as well. Female characters tend to be quite weak. Most characters are in the middle range, and there are some heavy hitters(the Jacks and Ganryu are quite destructive when it comes to bowling). Some characters even get unique vision while aiming(the Jacks for being robots, Bryan for being a cyborg and Yoshimitsu for being... well, f-ed up :D). There are only two things people complain about: the music and the endings. As for the music, they're quite good, but both Tekken 3 and Tekken 5 managed to show up an even better soundtrack. As for the endings: yeah, they're cheap. But they fit the characters nicely, Yoshimitu is badass, Paul never gets to Kazuya and no gun stops Bryan... The game deserves 9.9 (te only reason it's not 10 is because of the endings), but I can only give it 9.5. I'm not willing to do it as it would be a crime. So 10 is my rating for this great game that will surely be remembered as one of the great, golden titles of the PS2. Namco made an immortal classic here.