Who ever said dream don't come true?

User Rating: 7 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: 1989 Classic Arcade X360
TMNT the Arcade Game is here, and all of us old school arcade gamers can rejoice. This game is a near perfect arcade port of the original 4 player classic, and what more could you ask for than that? This game is a blessing for those looking to relive those fond memories of days past, but for those that have never played this game before, it may not seem like such a big deal with its simple and short gameplay experience.

Back in the late 80s, the Ninja Turtles were a very hot topic. It was then that these characters were at the height of their popularity, and it is also then that this gem of an arcade game was released. This game was definitely a quarter muncher back in the day, but thanks to XBox live, this is no longer an issue. While playing the game on your own, you have unlimited lives. So if you were on of the unlucky ones who never had the chance to play this game to its end, you'll be able to do so now without any worries of having to start over from the beginning after losing all of your lives. Of course, this makes the game easier, but it does have its benefits. By playing the single player portion of the game, you can take your time to memorize the levels and learn boss tactics and strategies that will help you during multiplayer play.

Playing over Live is a blast. You can play the game with three other friends and fight your way through the game, which is the way this game was meant to be played in the first place. Unlike the single player game though, you only have 19 lives to work with, so even though that seems like plenty, you have to be careful to save as many as you can for the end of the game. Once they're all gone, its game over and you have rely on whatever friends are left to finish the game.

Although this game was released on the NES a long time ago, its good to see the game in its complete, unaltered state with 4 player support. Any fan of this game back in the 80s owes himself to download this game as soon as possible. For those of you that are new to all of this, its a great 4 player early era arcade game that should give you some fun in your spare time over Xbox Live.

Buy if: You loved playing this game in the arcades and going at it again with friends over Live excites you.

Don't buy if: Simple beat-em-ups like this really aren't your thing and you were born in the late 90s.