The combat lacks, but it's the Xbox Live cooperative play that makes this game worthwhile.

User Rating: 7 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: 1989 Classic Arcade X360
The Good:
Only $5, Online, most achievements are hard to obtain and make the gamer strive harder to get them, clip of theme song when starting up the game.

The Bad:
Gameplay is horrible, sound could use some tweaking, graphics could use some updating.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a classic example of nostalgia, since the movie and the new game are coming out, Ubisoft knew that gamers adored this classic Arcade game, so they approached Konami about partnering to release this game on the Xbox Live Arcade. It was a step in the right direction, but aside from online, achievements, and the CGI turtle character selection, there isn't much of an update.

Gameplay: 5
There is only two usable buttons while playing the game, the X and A Buttons, the X button is for using your turtle of choice's weapon while the A button is used for jumping, but when you press A then X your turtle can perform a jump attack. You're best off just pressing the X button over and over again hoping for the best. There is plenty of frustration to be found in the game, it's a major relief that the game isn't over as soon as you run out of lives.

Graphics: 6
The graphics could have used some major revision, the game doesn't look to great in HD or even on a Standard definition television. The best thing that Ubisoft could have done was update the graphics, but since the game is only 5 dollars, it makes the game that much more accessible.

Sound: 7
There is a tad bit of voice acting in the game, and some of the lines are pretty funny. The best part about the sound is hearing the brief glimpse of the theme song when you start up the game.

Value: 6
There isn't too much to brag about on Ubisoft's part other than the addition of the achievements and the CGI turtles, although they do have bragging rights for the online mode. The only thing online is missing is seeing who is who and who is talking to you while you're playing. It would also be nice if you could have the option of exchanging turtles with another player.

Final Words:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a fun experience to be found, and it's a brilliant use of nostalgia. While the game does have a really fun online mode, the frustration factor and short story mode takes away on what the game can truly be.