Biased alert! I like the Turtles...aka this game is pure ownage (well multi-player that is)

User Rating: 9 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: 1989 Classic Arcade X360
TMNT The Arcade game is classic. Like many people currently in there twenty's, I used to pump the quarters into this game all the time. Now it is back on Xbox Live Arcade for all generations to enjoy. The game plays just like I remember it with great music, colorful animation and classic gameplay. Now I love the control approach of this game. A to jump. X to attack. Control stick to move. Any questions? The emulation is dead on and it makes this game enjoyable to play almost 20 years later.

Now I have played the single player mode like 2 times and I must say that it just gets kinda boring. The unlimited continues take away from the games luster. Single player takes no strategy or skill what so ever and is kinda disappointing.

The Xbox Live mode is fantastic. It feels like being back at the bowling center crowded around the old machine with strange looking cabinet art. Sometimes their is lag, but it only comes from people with bad connections. Don't play with people that have red ping bars! It is fun to talk to Turtle and arcade fans as we battle our way to Shredder. Which I have still been unable to do.

The achievements are good, but surprisingly hard. I thought they might all have to do with beating levels and beating levels under a certain time, but they include all sorts of things including avoiding certain traps and weapons to not losing more than 10 health against a boss. I am currently 80/200 with a lot of work to do.

This is my favorite XBLA game even with the unimpressive single player mode. Turtle fans probably all ready have this game, but anyone that doesn't such really pick it up. It is a steal at 400 MS points.