If I was the PS3 I would be holding my balls cause this game is basically a low blow to the PS3. We Love our 360s.

User Rating: 9 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: 1989 Classic Arcade X360
A timeless classic would be an under statement. This game is loved by all the people that are old enough to remember the good old days of the Arcade. Days when systems at home like the NES and Sega could only dream of getting games like the ones in the Arcade. You ask anyone how they spent their money when they were young and this game will be named right away. I have to point that I applaud Microsoft for listening to us gamers and adding this game to their Live Arcade collection. It sure beats paperboy. Now lets get to the game shall we? The bad news is while they did do a very good conversion, they did however leave us with lots of pixilated graphics. I have a 62” high def TV and the graphics kinda hurts the eyes on it. While I am not a computer wiz I can’t comment too much on this cause I don’t know how easy or even if its possible for the programmers if they could have improved the graphics for us a bit more. But trust me its still not that bad, for a game that was loved this much like this one it won’t make that much of a difference. Now lets get to the good part. Everything is here, EVERYTHING. Even the old music we all love. The PS2 game that had this game in it as an unlock able item didn’t have the original music in it, but this one does. The controls are beautiful. FULL co-op play is here on live and it rocks. Yes there is some lag here and there, but hey so is every game. If only there is one thing I’d like to ask out of whom ever listened to all of us and gave us this game on live. I’d love to see a 2D game like this one MADE for all of us that love the TMNT. Surly there is good artists out there to give us something stunning for the eyes to see on the 360 that would be in 2D with 3D backgrounds. The controls would be exactly like this one, and stay away from the one Liners PLEASE……anyone still have the ringing of ‘slice and dice’ in their heads????