Turtles fans out there should really add this game to their collection. Beat m Up fans will get a great game here!

User Rating: 8 | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles PC
Do you remember back in the days playing your turtles game cartridge in your console. I remember very well. Turtles where a great hype, much greater then it is now.

We need to ask ourselves this question; didn't we want such a 3D TMNT game back in the past? I know that in the year 2005 people look at games with great criticism, but turtle / beat m up fans out there are really happy with this "new" Turtles game.

So there is a choice here; we can review this game just by looking at the time it is brought out and what they have accomplished with 2005 game technology, or we can look at the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, what they have been trough in game history. I prefer last.

Turtles in 3D is already a good start, and with the graphics in this game they really come to life. It's not a game you can clear in a couple of ours, you get allot of game time here worth your money. One thing you need to know, the game play has stayed the same as our old Turtles from back in the days, it's all about hack and slash, slice and dice and beat the crap out of your enemies with in the end always a boss. The freedom in the game is good, you can walk or jump where you want in a certain area with enemies , but a little bit of freedom asks for more which is not given, but that's not a major issue.

The amount of different attacks is good, every Turtle got it's own fighting style, though it would have been nice if there where a bit more attack options and more to do in your environment.

Turtles fans out there should really add this game to there collection. Beat m Up fans will get a great game here! (don't forget the 2 player simulation mode)