Team Fortress returns strong, beautiful, and full of laughs.

User Rating: 9.5 | Team Fortress 2 PC
Team Fortress 2 may very well be the best FPS multiplayer experience you can get your hands on and at the same time, one of the most modestly priced. The Source engine is a perfect home for the return of this title, and the Valve team deserves many, many pats on the back for their efforts. This game is an instant classic, and polished. Very polished.

Each character class has character! That's right, they aren't just lifeless class archetypes with different weapons. Each one has his own lovable personality. If you've been able to see any of the "Meet the " videos that Valve has put out, then you have a taste of what I'm talking about. Playing Team Fortress 2 lifts a lot of the stress that you might feel while playing other multiplayer games by reminding you that you're just having fun. The toonish environments, facial expressions, and voice acting will keep you smiling, even if you're not at the top of the score list. Plain and simple, TF2 is a ton of fun, and an absolute treat for eyes.