Team Fortress 2 is a game that will surely get you glued on to your seat and will drive you crazy with fun.

User Rating: 9.5 | Team Fortress 2 PC
QUICK SUMMARY:Class based multiplayer was all started from Team Fortress Classic. After 9 years of development, Team Fortress 2 did well to grab attention from many FPS multiplayer gamers. Team Fortress 2 is an organized and fun PC FPS. It has great visuals, wonderful gameplay, good game modes to keep you busy and loadout customization after unlocking them to play by your needs. There are also tons of achievements in the game so you can unlock weapons/items.

Team Fortress 2 surpasses many games in gameplay. A microphone is allowed to be used to communicate which made the game funner to achieve in-game objectives. The game features classes. Classes are different characters which all have different abilities. For example, the Medic, he has a fair amount of health, good melee weapons and is quite fast. His ability is to heal his teammates. There are 9 different classes to choose from. Classes need to work together to achieve goals since the game is very hard playing others alone with one single class.

The visuals of Team Fortress 2 are probably the best of the decade. Very fun buildings and weather environments to make the game just as fun as it already is. There are also special visuals that look really cool like gibs (body parts of blown up enemy) and blood squirts. Yes, the game is really violent and bloody. But thats one main reason why its so fun.

The soundtrack and SFX from this game are really addicting. Blasting the volume makes the game so fun. All you will hear is people shouting for help on their mics, explosions, people shouting "MEDIC!"(in-game control), and my favorite: hearing enemies shout AGHHH as they fall to the ground with blood flying out of their face and into the wall. And the soundtrack of this game plays in the menu, or after you win a game or lose one you'll hear music with a crowd either clapping or booing you.

The controls are like all FPS games. Mouse and keyboard. But Team Fortress 2 adds some tactical features that can help you in-game like hitting the E button (default) to call for a medic or even hitting V to use your microphone if you have one. A controller (Xbox360 only) is compatible with Team Fortress 2.

The game overall is a great one. Its currently my favorite game and will really turn you on if bored. The organization and gameplay is really good and simple enough for even people who are new to FPS can play.

Thanks for the read and I hope you'll get TF2 soon enough :D