This game is the best online FPS i've seen so far for the PC. With it being class-based, it makes it so much more fun!

User Rating: 9.5 | Team Fortress 2 PC
Here is a game in my opinion is the best online shooter on the PC alone. With this game having no story mode, you should have high expectations for the online mode and this game brings it! This is a class-based shooter meaning that there are characters that all have different guns that are exclusive to that character alone. The game is divided up into 3 groups which are Attack, Defense, and Support. Every group contains 3 characters inside of it. For the Attack Group you have the scout, soldier and pyro. The scout is a fast-paced, very agile character. He is equipped with a powerful shotgun like no other in the game. He is the fastest character in the game and can double jump to places that other character cant reach. But his health support is very low which makes him very vulnerable to high powered weapons. Next we have the Soldier which seems to be the most over-used character in the game. He doesn't walk very fast but is equipped with a 4 bullets-per-round clip to annihilate his enemies from close to long range. And lastly for the Attack team we have the Pyro which has a a deadly flamethrower to burn his enemies alive. If there is a enemy Pyro on the other team then his flame resistant suit provides protection against an enemy Pyro's flame and will give him little damage.

For the Defense team we have the DemoMan, Heavy Gunner, and the Engineer. The DemoMan has a grenade launcher and a stick bomb launcher in which he can blow up his enemies from close to medium range. Even though he is in the Defense team he can still be effective attacking the enemy. Next we have the Heavy Gunner which has a high-powered machine turret. But there is a downside to the Heavy Gunner, he is the slowest character in the game. So traveling around the maps can get a bit long with this character but the power his gun is highly rewarding. Lastly we have the Engineer which the name speaks for itself. He can build turrets, dispensers which give you and your team mates health and armor, and teleporters. He is also equipped with a shotgun and pistol.

And the last group we have the Support which contains the Medic, Sniper and the Spy. The Medic has a weapon that gives health to other character in the game and his health heals over time. He also has a gun that shoots needles. Next is the Sniper which has a scope and charge sniper rifle. A scope and charge sniper is a sniper that when you have it scoped, gets more powerful over time. And lastly we have the Spy which is my favorite class. He can disguise himself as others members on the enemy team and is equipped with a knife and magnum. He can also cloke himself to hide from enemies or when in danger. Thats it for the characters, no lets get onto the maps. Each map is unique and different. Everyones favorite map is 2Fort which is a map with 2 forts. The game is a ever evolving game, Valve keeps putting updates into the game which unlocks new weapons for the classes. For my final score I give it a 9.4 out of 10. But thats about it for this review, please check out more reviews on this website and stay connected!