Simply 4p Fantasticness! A unique blend of fun and multiplayer greatness.

User Rating: 10 | Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars PS3
This game is easily one of the top 2 best games you can DL from the PS Store. It allows for 4p splitscreen. You unlock 5 cars a an extra map through completing mini games and other games. The game is fast-paced, exciting, fun, & is simply the best of it's kind. Along with Super Stardust Supersonic Battle-Cars is the best game for the money. It's design is flawless at the bargain price of $14.99. It's designed for multiplayer fun, for hours on end of multiplayer action-packed gameplay. One of the tings that stands out to me is the simple yet great design of this game. Definitely worth the $14.99. This game is great for having friends over and for younger family gamers from 5-13 years old. Even I enjoy it at 36 years old.



Replay Value-10

Fun Factor-10
