This takes you back to a time Videogames could be simple, and just a fun time. Games don't always need amazing graphics.

User Rating: 8.6 | Super Monkey Ball 2 GC
Super Monkey 2 is a very fun experience! Its pretty much a one of a kind game, very original indeed. You role a monkey inside of a ball around a puzzle-esque level, to get to the gate, within a certain time period. Sounds simple, right? Well, throw in some complex traps and other crap, and its not so easy.
Super Monkey Ball 2 has a ridiculously bad story, so just skip all the story parts and ignore its exsistence. =D Now, the game's graphics aren't bad, but they are absolutly not ground breaking or revolutionary. The graphics have a cartoony look and feel, which fits the games theme perfectly. The back drops in this game are what makes it look good, they are very good to look at, and some of them are quite interesting. The sound in the game is also not that great, but that can be overlooked, since this game is just so fun.
The gameplay, while simple, is quite fun. I could sit there on the couch for hours and hours, if i had hours and hours to play games. =) All of the different levels present their own unique puzzles and challenges, which you have to solve in a unique way. It really makes you use your head. All in all, SMB2 is a great time, and you can find it for low $$$ at any gamestore. Go pick it up and have some fun!