most satisfying xbla purchase since castle crasherss!!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Meat Boy X360
I never review games cause im lazy, but this game was soooo good i had to do it!!!!

I downloaded the demo with the original thought of this being something ill pay once or twice like "blacklight tango down" or "splosion man" but i got to the end of the demo and felt compelled to buy it and continue!!!

the controls are very sharp and responsive, so u feel in complete control. the difiiculty starts off as simple as "jump across this ditch to grab the girl" then steadily inclines as u progress, gradually getting harder and harder, until ur dieing 50 times a level. But when u beat said level u feel a sense of accomplishment especially if u get an A+ for beating the par time and u are treated to an instant replay of all ur attempts at the level at the same time, which is ofen hilarious depending on how many times u died as a bunch of meat men jump and fall into the blender at once :)

Many xbla games dont have many levels to play on or beat for example monday night combat had a few levels for multiplayer and 1 coop level, which was great for repay but felt stale after awhile. this game boasts over 300 levels!!! Each stage of the main "story" will be littered with warp zones throughout a few levels giving u a chance to play "classic" versions of the game, which range from 16bit to 8bit graphics. Doing a few levels like this really plays into meat boy being a charecter that has been around since mario :) i enjoy this aspect of the game very much since i can remember fondly on games of the past.

Also what would a game be without unlockables? this game has a ton, from unlockable charecters, avatar items, gamer pics, levels, and then they give u "teh internetz" stage, which as far as i can tell is the dlc section of the game, at the time of this review 1 stage of "teh internetz" is playable, which a few levels look to be from meat boy the flash game.

Sound is great, the mix of 8 bit music in intros into fully mastered songs gives the game a great feel and fits the levels and menus perfectly.

-tons of levels
-great music and art style
-unlockables (lots)
-meat boy original flash game levels included!
-instant replays lol

-wish there was a multiplayer race mode