One of the best SNES games!

User Rating: 9.5 | Super Mario: Yoshi Island SNES
What were some of the greatest games on the Super Nintendo? Definitely A Link To The Past, Super Mario World, Donkey Kong Country, Super Mario Kart, and many more! But what one holds a special place in everyone's hearts for being very revolutionary? Yoshi's Island.

Graphics : 10
The graphics are what I find to be the best on the system. Sure Donkey Kong Country had 3D characters, but this was more appealing slightly. The graphics look like Super Mario World, sort of... but a lot more background textures, and even foreground textures. The animation on all living things in this game is outstanding, and your eyes will not get sick of seeing them, ever.

Gameplay : 9.6
The gameplay is near perfect. You play as Yoshi, and with Baby Mario on your back, you can't get hit. But if you do get hit, Baby Mario floats around in a bubble, and you gotta catch him before the time runs out. There's also a lot of platforming in this game, so that's pretty obvious, because it's a platformer. This is one of the most addicting games of all time.

Sound : 9.5
The sound is pretty good! There's no remixed Mario tunes, or any that I know of, but the sound is like the Super Mario Galaxy of the Super Nintendo. It's awesome, and all of the tunes fit the theme of the level you're on.

Lifetime : 10
The lifetime is huge. There's plenty of levels to keep you occupied, but if you wanna be perfect, get a 100% on every level, did I mention that there are plenty of levels?

Overall : 9.9 "Near-perfect"
Overall, this is a great game, the only problem with it I have is some hard challenges, and mean enemies, ha, so if you can get this game, I highly recommend it.