I salute you, Mario Kart 64! The most played game of my childhood!

User Rating: 9.9 | Super Mario Kart SNES
My most played SNES game is still a classic. It is one of the few games I can still play today and still love. Looking back on my childhood (man I feel old saying that at 20), this game brought me the most joy. It was one of the few games my brother and I played together, broken controllers and fights included. It is also one of the few games I can honestly say I am really good at in a versus another player sense. That comes from countless time trials on every single course. I would be interested in finding a Mario Kart records book and seeing how good my times actually are, because Mario Kart was in a time before the internet and instant record keeping/bragging rights. Maybe when I find such a site, I will realize that I am actually not that good =[ I can still hum songs from the game, a true testament to its lasting apeal. This game also had the coolest code I know of to date: Once you thought you were good at the game, you held Y and pressed A at the character select screen for 'poison mushroom shrunken mode'. The true test of a MK player was shrunken mode 150CC. if you could beat that, you were a god..... It was also great fun in versus mode to run over your friends