Mario is back again with another great game!

User Rating: 9 | Super Mario 3D Land 3DS

The Mario franchise has had some of the best games release on the Nintendo consoles which include Super Mario Galaxy 2, New Super Mario Bros DS, Mario Kart 7 and many more. Super Mario 3D Land is also one of these games. At first, I expected the game to have gameplay style similar to Super Mario Galaxy, but Nintendo instead went for the Super Mario Bros. style gameplay to where if you get hit, then you lose the power-up and when you get hit when you are Small Mario/Luigi, you lose a life. At first, I was a bit skeptical of it as I would never expect this from a 3D Mario game but in the end, I liked it.

The levels are slightly more challenging in this game compared to previous Mario games where they could be beaten in a few minutes, the levels Nintendo designed are harder, especially the Special Worlds which some of the courses are exceptionally hard!! I love these kind of levels because they test the player to it's fullest to see if they can survive the many obstacles they throw at you.

What I also love about this game is the returning and new power-ups that this game has to offer including new power-ups like the Boomerang Suit and returning ones such as Tanooki suit. I remember the first time I got the Tanooki Suit in Super Mario Bros 3 after searching far and wide for it and finally finding the suit in World 5.

The plotline is told in pictures, and by that I mean in every world Mario goes to, he gets a letter and opens it, which shows a picture of what is happening whether it is Peach beating up Goombas or Bowser giving the enemies the Racoon Tail power-up.

What I do not like about the game is that it is short lived like the other Mario games but t is worth it considering how fun the game is. I recommend this for anyone who is getting the 3DS console or anyone who has not bought the game yet.