A very unique non-build and rush RTS game that will keep you thinking to win, Starcraft and Warcraft players avoid this.

User Rating: 8.9 | Sudden Strike: Resource War PC
Okay I guess this game last year. My uncle got it for me from China and mailed it to me. So i decided to check it out. Say the least, it was not bad. You can hear the immersive sound of the torpendos and bazzoka keep shooting at the infantry units and tanks. somewhat like the command and conquer type battle but thing is that you wont be able to win against an opponent yet even a very easy computer AI by rushing. You cant build unit btw. Your army respawn for every unit you lost in a certain. Gameplay 9/10: Due to its unique straying away from SC and WC, this gameplay may disappoint some SC and WC players who love fast-paced RTS Graphics: 8/10: The graphics I have seen as of yet are relatively good. These graphics can be compared to WCIII FT, ROC and SC as well.

Sound: 8/10 its mostly repetitive shouting of units as the battle goes on. "Victory is ours. We are running out of ammo/fuel. Let's Repair it." There's more but most of it repeats. The torpendos and bazzokas effect makes up for it anyways

Value: 8/10 Value is pretty good. I dont know how much it cost in China so but i guess its worth it. Although those who are Sc and WC players will have some getting used to this game

Tilt: No idea what this is so i will just give it a 10/10

Overall 8.9