For those who enjoyed previous editions of Sudden Strike...

User Rating: 7.3 | Sudden Strike: Resource War PC
Let's be honest: this kind of game only appeals to a relatively small niche of players out there as far as I am concerned.

Being one of those players, it's fair to say that this addition to the Sudden Strike series brings even more depth to a what was already a rather in-depth strategic gameplay experience with Sudden Strike II.

If you are not one of those players who enjoy having to sit for quite some time doing a bit of thinking and some micro-management, then don't even bother reading on.


One of the primary omissions from Sudden Strike II for example, was the fact that you could simply send your resources, i.e., tanks, etc. all over the map without having to consider the added complexity of supply-chain logistics.

This omission also detracted from other strategic options such as ensuring that your enemy has limited supply of certain key resources such as fuel, ammunition, etc.

The ability to capture key locations that can replenish used resources such as tanks, etc. also brings a whole new dimension to the game.

Last but not least, if you're a serious "modder", then this is still a sure hit to work with. The game has a fairly "open" architecture and there are several web sites out there that explain exactly what you need to do to create your own maps, units and even large-scale, historically correct battles.


Compared to other RTS games out there today, this is rather outdated but still does the job to a fair degree.


Nothing really special here.


Considering the purchase price here where I live, it's actually pretty steep and it may be worthwhile to wait until it hits the bargain bin for some of you readers out there.

Who Should Get It:

Anyone who enjoyed playing or "modding" Sudden Strike II and takes a keen in interest in a rather in-depth, challenging strategic gameplay experience.

Who Shouldn't Bother:

RTS players who enjoy titles like Age of Empires and similar games, where the emphasis is, over and above the aspect of making war, that of research and resource building or games with a skirmish mode, which is still absent in the Sudden Strike series to date.

Oh yes, and anyone else who doesn't enjoy RTS games of course.