I like Street Fighta 8/2, only Ryu and Ken, i find it hard to be Blanka! Street Fighter is BACK

User Rating: 9 | Street Fighter IV (Collector's Edition) PS3
I liked Street Fighter 2 from back in the day, and lemme tell you, it lives up to all the hype. SF4 is the best fighting game i've played in a while. Of course you've noticed that the game doesnt try too hard to look realistic. Its cell shaded for nostalogic purposes. However the fighting has real mechanics.

Anyway most all your favorite fighters are back, as well as some cool new ones. Rufus is hilarious, while Abel is kinda dull. I personally like Sakura because she has a fighting style like Ken and Ryu. The final boss is a straight up cheater. It will take a little luck to beat him at any level, yes even EASIEST. However you shouldnt let that discourage you from takin him on!

The game has plenty of modes to keep you busy like Survival, Challenge mode(WHich is very useful), and of course training. I really like the fact that you can take the fight online, but be warned, there are alot of great players out there.

Overall there's just not a lot wrong with this game. Go out and buy if you're looking for nonstop fun. Just be prepared to hone your skills to take on the "world" warriors!!