Same old Streetfighter...but prettier

User Rating: 7 | Street Fighter IV (Collector's Edition) PS3
Now I loved the oldschoold Streetfighter(SF) on the older consoles. So when Streetfighter for PS3 came out I was extremely excited.

Most if not all of the old school characters are back plus a few new ones that I didn't really care for. There are lots of SP modes to play and challenges to accomplish. The graphics are very cartoony, which is not a bad thing. Thousands of bright, vibrant colors and interesting backgrounds really light up the game. All in all the graphics work very well.

Now the fighting...

Still 2D..uggh..I guess that was the goal to bring in "Old School". But on the new consoles I don't want oldschool. Most of the moves are exactly the same button sequences as the original SF. This is also a good thing as you don't have to learn thousands of new button combos. Some of the Ultra moves I found very hard to pull off though. After a few weeks of playing I found myself very bored with the 2D platforming. I decided to give MP a try. I found the same thing there. People tend to only use the powerful characters and there really isn't much strategy involved in these fights. When it gets down to the nitty gritty and both players are almost done it turns into a button mashing contest. Just like the old SF.

I was really hoping to find a new and innovative SF on the PS3. There are a few new things but not enough. This plays like exactly the old SF. Not much strategy involved. The graphics are nice but that's it. If you like the old SF then you will like this game..If you are hoping for something more then I would stay away. I found the MK Vs DC much more entertaining and fun to play. This is just the same old Streetfighter...but prettier