I thought this was pretty good!

User Rating: 8 | Still Life PC
I was not expecting much from this game as i read the reviews and it is rated as a 6.7, which is not really great, but i liked the look of it and i am a big fan of adventure games, sepecially point & click ones, and i was actually quite impressed, and its not at all as bad as some people say it is.

I liked the dark story and feel that the game has, and also i liked the link between the murders, the new murderer was killing people in the style of the paintings from the original murdered back in Victorias Grandfathers day, who was also working to find the original murders, before being set up and blamed fo the murders himself so went on the run.

Graphically the game looks pretty damn good, apart from Victorias head sometimes glitches and you can see the sections of her head, but other than that it looks good!

Puzzles are very interesting, and are of a good difficulty i felt, none were too hard that i got annoyed and wanted to stop playing, most of the answers where written down somewhere in the form of a clue for you, and if not then the puzzles were self explanitory!

I do hope they make a sequel to Still Life as the ending does leave some things un answered and left to your imagination, basically the present day murderer was related to the original murderer, his son if i recall and was following is fathers grim footsteps and murdering present day prostitutes or call girls.

Good game, would recommend it to anyone who likes point and click adventures and likes a nice dark story!