Still one the best FPS games around!! Implemented many Revolutionary features now taken for granted in all FPS games

User Rating: 9.7 | Starsiege Tribes PC
This game is a free download now: get it, patch it, and play. as old as it is there are still usually 100+ people playing

an amazing game with an amazing sequel. This came out in 1998 so the only thing showing some age are the graphics. I mean come on, this thing worked with glide and all my old voodoo cards, yea it was back then.

The gameplay is still everything it used to be. Be warned though, everyone playing at this point is a vet, so new players logging on just expect to be a bullet sponge for awhile. After a few days of being fragbait you will have your epiphany and see how truly amazing and addictive the game is.

This game aupports 128 players. out of the box it has team and global chats, rapid key voice commands, command maps, vehicles, different classes all of which have customizable loadouts, and multiple gameplay types.

best of all: the tribes community has released all types of mods, scripts, voice packs, and skins to enhance your multiplayer experience.

go get it, do the training mission to get the hang of the jetpack without someone chaining you to shreds, then go online and ski and disc yourself into a stupor