Even with it's flaws, it's still a solid star wars game.

User Rating: 7.8 | Star Wars: The Clone Wars PS2
Gameplay 8: The gameplay in this game was actually very good, when you were in the ships, but when you're fighting with your lightsaber, the action is terrible. The ship flying missions can also get somewhat repeatitve. But one good thing, was the bonus missions. The multi-player was actually very good as well. Overall there is still a lot of enjoyable gameplay in this game.
Graphics 8: The graphics were certaitnly good for the time they came out on the PS2. The Jedis however looked terribly unrealalistic, but all the ships and enviorinments really looked good.
Sound 8: There is certaitnly a lot of fantastic star wars tunes, despite some problems with the voice acting. Certaiantly the best part of the sound was the classic music pieces.
Value 7: This game is fairly short, yet not near as short as some star wars games. The bonus missions can also keep you busy, but expect to finish the game within 10 hours or less.
Overall 7.9/10 Overall I still think this game has pletny of enojyable moments, despite some flaws in gameplay, graphics, and sound. You should certaitnly play this if you like star wars games.