clone wars review

User Rating: 8 | Star Wars: The Clone Wars XBOX
This game is very much like the old starwars game called star wars demolition for the ps. In this game you play as about ten vehicles out of the clone wars movie. The graphics are very standard and so is the controle system but does offer a good multiplayer experience. However, it isn't all just big bulky machines, you do get to play as some jedi in the campain like mace windu and obi-wan kenobi. Again, they dont have a big arsenal of attacks, and you can't use force powers or abilities. You cannot play as jedi in any multiplayer mode which woul have made it interesting.
The storyline isn't very interesting realy and there isn't much replay value because there is no tokens, secrets, etc to find and search for. The only thing that makes this game is the ability to play as the vehicles which is something you can't do in many other star wars games. I would reccomend this game for parties or when you have your mates around but otherwise don't bother.