Play as Boss while you command a squad of 4 as you, the team leader, fight against the Separatist.

User Rating: 9 | Star Wars: Republic Commando PC
Play as Boss while you command a squad of 4 as you, the team leader, fight against the Separatist.

In Republic Commando you are in control of a team called: Delta Squad. You are the team's leader: Boss.

You command three other commandos; all of them are funny in their own way. I'll start with your Demolition expert, Scorch. He loves to blow things up, and hey, who doesn't.

There's your computer geek, Fixer.
He specializes in hacking computers, and downloading music videos from Youtube.

Last but not least, Sev. He's your trigger happy companion, oh, and he loves to shoot stuff, like me.

There are three locations you play in.

The first one puts you on Geonosis, fighting against the Separatist, and their Geonosion friends.

The next one puts you on a deserted Republic Gunship fighting off some trandoshions. When will they learn?

Finally, the last one puts you on Kashyyk, helping out the walking carpets known as the Wookies.

Although the campaign is funny and thrilling from start to finish, it's sad that the campaign was short. I would've liked to shoot the heck out of a Jedi or Sith. But they fill in the void with General Greviouse's Body Guards.

There are many weapons to choose from in this game. You start with your standard assault rifle. Then, when you get deeper into the game, you'll find a few attachments to this weapon such as a Sniper Rifle and my favorite, a grenade launcher. You can also pick up weapons from enemies that you've defeated, ranging from shotguns to Wookie rocket launchers. (Keep out of reach from children.) If you're low on ammo, you have a pistol that recharges and never runs out of bullets. Yes, I ripped that from Gamespot's official review of this game. What are you going to do, sue me? You're also equipped with a knife that is not only fun, but is very effective.

You can also command your squad to do almost anything; you can have them jump on a turret, setup a sniper position, hack computers, and more. I would say planting explosives, but that's my job, because that's how I roll.

Also if one of your teammates gets incapacitated, don't fret, because you can always run over and revive him yourself or command another squad-mate to it for you. This makes the game's difficulty just right.

Sadly, Multi-player in this game isn't that good, there are probably three modes of play and that's it. I would've liked it even more if there was a co-op in the story that would change everything.

So if you are a Star Wars fan and have a strange desire to blow things up, like me, then this game is for you and any first-person shooter fan.

If I had a choice between this game and a hot super model, I would pick this game. Because, you'll have fun even longer with this game then with a super model, it's true. I give it four thumbs out of five.

P.S. I would've used stars, but they were already taken.