Average As Average Can Be... Yet Still Somewhat Fun

User Rating: 6.1 | Star Wars: Rebel Assault II - The Hidden Empire PS
Star Wars has had its fair number of embarrassments. From Jar-Jar to Hayden, the series has not held its own in the theaters. The video game realm is quite a mixed bag; some amazing games have been released, and other piles of bantha fodder have seen the light of day as well. Rebel Assault II is by no means brilliant, but at the same time, it doesn't stink quite so badly as other Star Wars releases.

The story is pure cheese. From a corny plot to so-bad-they're-almost-good FMV sequences, you won't be drawn to this title for any new concepts. Actually, you won't be drawn to it for its graphics, which were barely average when the game first came out. The sound is pretty decent, however- the blaster sound effects are particularly nice (for the time).

The only redeeming value of Rebel Assault II is its variety in gameplay. From track shooting in a B-WIng to ducking behind pillars for some arcade-type shooting, a variety of game modes present themselves throughout the game. Mind you, none of these styles are particularly well done, but they do offer some fun. Of the styles, the "duck-and-shoot" stages are surprisingly fun- but only in a purely mindless sense.

If you looked up the term "rental" in the dictionary, Rebel Assault II would be pictured beneath. Good for two or three hours of mindless fun and not much else, Rebel Assault II at least doesn't make you wish that you weren't born, which is more than can be said for many other Star Wars games.