A terrible game. That's all there is to say.

User Rating: 2.5 | Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles GBA
Game Review-Gameboy Advance-Star Wars: Jedi Power Battles

Review 84

Released: November 21, 2002
Developers: THQ, HotGen
Game Genre: Beat-‘Em-Up

Opening Thoughts:
LucasArts’ first release on the Gameboy Advance should have been good…it should have at least been decent, but instead, seems like THQ and HotGen spent a week on developing the game.

Story (1/10)
If you have not ever seen the “Star Wars: Episode I” movie, you will not understand this game. Gameplay (2/10)
At first, the gameplay is decent. Controls are simple and it’s easy to understand where to go. Eventually, as enemies become harder and the AI increases, the gameplay drops rapidly. It becomes confusing and annoying. Controls become harder to choose, and you only have 4 lives to begin with. After the second level, there is only one more extra life you can pick up. You don’t get your lives back, either.

Graphics (4/10)
Much like the gameplay, the graphics are decent at first. Fighting graphics are smooth, and though there is pixilation, it’s easy to tell what is what. In the fourth screen of the first level, that all changes. 2D graphics pose as 3D graphics, making it difficult to jump onto other platforms, because some of them are in “different planes” of graphics.

Durability (1/10)
After you start losing your lives, it’s pointless to play because you will never beat a level with just one life.

Controls: The A button performs a long attack, while the L button does a short attack. The B button jumps, the R button blocks, and the Start button pauses the game.

Overall Score ( 2.25/10)

Final Thoughts:
I’d say “nice try, LucasArts” but I don’t feel like wasting my breath. It was a terrible try. In fact, I don’t think it was a try at all.