Better than Outcast.

User Rating: 8.2 | Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy XBOX
I didn't think the game was so bad. I liked it. I personally thought it was better than Outcast and I wish they would do a sequel.

Graphics: Uh...Not that good. When the characters talk, their mouths kind of glitch and they're just not that great. Good thing graphics arn't everything.

Gameplay: I liked creating my own jedi but I wish you would have more options on the look of your jedi or at least come up with your own name. I also liked how you customize your lightsaber and force. Multiplayer is fun and there is so much to do.

Value: When your done, starting over shouldn't be a problem nor should it be boring. You can create a new jedi, with a new lightsaber combo, force abilities, or a new path (dark ending or light ending.)

So, I recommend this game to any Star Wars fan who has an X-box or PC.