The force is with HiiperDrive and the trusty lightsaber as i review Star Wars Episode III; Revenge of the Sith.

User Rating: 8.5 | Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith DS
Well, I think it seems only fitting that I review one of the DS games that I first got way back in 2005, this time its the turn of Star Wars Episode III from Ubisoft. Most of the Star Wars games that I had played in the past had extremely pleased me on the PS, PS2 and Xbox original, so the odds of this handheld game version of the final movie of the prequels being a success in my standards sempt pretty high, as yet again I shall dicsect what I thought of another DS title.
First, as always, for the positives of Episode III, and for my first I must admit that as soon as I entered the campaign screen I was pleased to see that you could play out the campaign as two different characters, Obi-Wan and Anakin which I thought would chew up some time seeing as DS games usually need along amount of time on the campaign to make up most of the replay value and time spent on the game as a whole. The campaign itself, in my opinion worked well as a side-scroller as there was always a wide variety of force powers to use and techniques for the player to use when going in for attacks and the like. After you have completed the campaign in Episode III there are some 'special missions' that can be completed with either Anakin or Obi-Wan which also chew up some time, although not much, but are still much fun to play in as they are in space craft, in 3-D and overall play very well on the DS as they are easy to fly and generally to fight with. The multiplayer of Episode III is also very impressive as you can choose from an aray of aircraft and a modest amount of maps to fight on which certainly should keep you busy for a long time afterwards. If you haven't got the priveledge of playing with a friend as it is only multi-card play, then you can play against bots in skirmish battles, although not as easily fun, there is certainly replay value tucked into the Skirmish and is an interesting feature ot explore.
The negatives, yes, those dang negatives, and Episode III certainly has a couple which hinder the game from reaching its full potential which is a shame for this charming DS title, for one, the title really doesn't differentiate itself from the GBA title, just with the space battles keeping a void there in what really should be a big leap. Also the multiplayer option would have been really nice if it had just single-cart play which would of been helpful in finding people to play and also if brave enough WiFi which certainly would have put some brownie points on the multiplayer options, continuing with multiplayer, it would of been nice to have had some different modes rather than just deathmatch and team deathmatch, although it would have been tricky to pull off it would have been certainly worth a try for all our DS gamers sakes! The campaign could of also done with some actual dialogue and cinematic cut scenes to make the game feel even more like the movie, even though the game does cope without them.
Overall I do really like Episode III on the DS, it is certainly a game that I would reccomend to fans of the series and definately casual gamers as the game is hindered by lack of replay value, even though it is there, you need to really like the game to keep coming back for more weekly. Sorry if this review is a little short as I have been caught on time and need to get going, but thanks for reading as always!

/HiiperDrive Out\