I can recommend this game to hardcore Star Wars fans... or people who enjoy mediocrity.

User Rating: 7 | Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith PS2
Revenge of the Sith: The Game is one of the rare occasions of Star Wars games based directly on the movies. It is made by Double Helix, the creators of that pretty good graffiti game that features Marc Ecko. While it belongs to a very suitable genre (for Star Wars games) - sword-wielding action, it could've been much much better.
First of all, let's get story out of the way. The game follows the movie pretty well but on its own, there is not enough content. While its loyalty to the movie will please its fans, the newcomers will not figure out anything from the mix of movie and animated cutscenes. The only worthy part of this strange combination is a twist non-canon ending which turns out really funny (although, probably unintentionally funny)
The gameplay is a mix between a shallow slasher (most of the time) and a sword-fighting game (every single boss battle). Although the slasher parts are really really simplistic, they do not grow tedious because of the combos and (of course!) upgradable force powers. While some of the levels are boring and repetitive, there are some true gems found (like the absolutely fantastic Jedi Temple Purge level).
The boss battles are much better though. The levels devoted to the best saber showdowns of the movie play like a blast which is strange because lightsaber duels aren't that good. However, when bosses do not pull cheap attacks out of their... well, you know... the duels are really enjoyable.
After you've beaten the campaign, there is ot much to do. You can play four coop levels which are surprisingly fun, you can spend time dueling the AI or your friends, you can look at pretty pictures and... well that's it.
The main problem of the game is that developers do not seem to understand what they are good at. The boss battles are quite good but they ruined it with cheap shots and balancing issues, the main levels are interesting only when you fight other swordsmen instead of cheap super soldiers, the coop-levels are really lacking. It's a game that could've been better with some reworking. However, its one redeeming quality makes you overlook its many downsides. It is Star Wars, after all.