Ok i didnt mind it but after i played it a lot i got bored of the game.

User Rating: 8 | Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith PS2
Star wars episode 3 was a good game at first it was my favourite game but after i beat it i got bored of the gameplay.The graphics are rated 7/10.The lego star wars games were a lot better but the game is pretty exciting sometimes.Even though its easy that comes to your advantage because you feel very dominant when you play the game the multiplayer is ok but its just not exciting enough to make a good star wars game.The game does reanact the movie fairly well though and shows little clips between levels and during levels.Star wars episode 3 is a good game sometimes.But i suggest you rent it first.It is a good game overall id rate it 8/10 .I know theres not much more to say but it relates to the movie.But if you havent seen the movie yet then wait of till after the movie comes out.Because it does have enough content from the movie to spoil it for you.Especially if your a crazy star wars fanatic then you really want to hold off until youve seen the movie.