As far as film based games go, this isn't half bad.

User Rating: 7.5 | Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith PS2
Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith is based on the final film in the first trilogy where you play main characters Anakin or Obi Wan through the original storyline of the film cut into 16 levels which exposes Anakin's tragic turn to the dark side and the rise of the New Empire.
Whilst chopping up droids and slicing through magnaguards remains easy and slightly boring, the combos of lightsaber moves and movement is very clever. During both the storyline and the multiplayer modes you will have gripping lightsaber duels against the likes of the skilled swordsman of Count Dooku and droid commander General Grievous which captures most of the limited excitement in the whole game. The final level which sees the thrilling climax as seen in the film between both Anakin and Obi Wan which is very moving and quite exciting.
All gamers will very likely complete this game on numerous occasions like I have, the levels are just right in terms of length however easy it is to thwart the pitiful Separtists.
For die hard Star Wars fans who rated the film as highly as any other this will be a small satisfaction to your past times, for others who aren't as addicted like me this is a game which is better off being rented before buying.