Since I'm a Star Wars nerd completely, I was really hoping this game was good, and it was xD

User Rating: 8.5 | Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith PS2
I just love the Star Wars series, and I really love the games, and almost every game they have made based on Star Wars I have liked, there are some exceptions, but I'm not going into that now. Star Wars Episode III was a really good game, and this surprised me because I actually played earlier games based on the episode before this one and it wasn't really that good. But this game was exactly as I hoped it would be. The game follows the exact story from the movie and even the cutscenes were from the movie, which I really liked. Gameplay was completely different from previous games, there were different things you could interact with, you could actually upgrade your abilities, which I was waiting for. I admit the upgrading feature was a little confusing, but I got it figured out in a jiffy. With this game you can play as Anakin Skywalker or your master Obi Wan Kenobi, where you follow through the storyline from the movie, and Spoiler Alert Anakin turns to the darkside at the end, ooh big shocker!! With the mission mode there are many different modes such as one where you get play as Yoda, and other one where you get play as General Grievous, which was effing sweet! Many people criticized this game, I guess they were expecting more. Well I admit I did expect a little more but I'm glad what they did put in this game, and how they made it. Graphics were spectacularish, but many people can disagree, gameplay was killer, controls were just right. This game deserves alot more respect than its actually getting.