No game has ever captured the fundamentals of lightsaber dueling as Revenge of the Sith

User Rating: 8.5 | Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith PS2
Okay, you've heard all the criticism.
Take my word, don't believe it.
Revenge of the Sith has okay single player.
The story missions are quite boring, but the bonus missions are quite good.
Ypou have 3 force powers - Push, Grasp and stun(or lightning for dark jedi)
All you do in the story is kill drones(a lot of them).
But that's pretty addictive too
There are 16 story missions, and about 5 bonus missions
But the real selling point of this title is it's multiplayer versus mode. The fast paced action is highly addictive, and makes it, in my opinion, the best Star wars game ever. And yes, i've played KOTOR
Gameplay :
General 8/10, Dueling 10/10
Graphics 9/10
Sound 7/10
Final rating : 8.5/10
If you really want to face Darth Vader as Obi Wan Kenobi, there's nothing better than this