Jedi Knight II Vs. Star Wars Episode 3=Very Fun Game Must Rent or Buy ASAP! Do not listen to GameSpot revi

User Rating: 8.5 | Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith PS2
This game is so fun. I rented it when the movies came out I saw the movie 3 times and rented this game and easily beat it in 6 hours or so.

Nice cinematics great graphics for PS2! Stays relatively close to the movie.
Good music,voice acting is okay Anakin is monotone. slick menu and menu sounds etc.


Awesome some of the best graphics I have seen in PS2 since MGS2-3!
Lightsabers are the greatest graphical feature!
Playermodels are kind of blocky but get the job done.
Hair is like a cardboard wood there is no real life to it but you wont notice to often.

Doesn't use the liscene of the movie at all. has normal Star Wars sounds every sound in the game can be traced to the movie they sound great and flow really nicely Gameplay
Awesome gameplay for Star Wars fans
nothing like chopping droids into bits over and over
it can get repitive but I really enjoyed this game

bosses can be very tough(windu) but they are always well thought out and bring a new way to defeat bosses
clonetroopers have the worst death animations in the whole game which is really the worst thing I can think about this game besides there massive jet troopers are very annoying

Many unlockables mini arcade style multiplayer mode you can unlock characters from the films and dual on many maps which are unlockables!
Play with your freinds or against an AI its still fun! Co-Op also I didnt try this becasue no likes to play games with me. Awesomely Good controls best for PS2.

BattleFront2 is fun but I like jedi more than troopers though.

This game is awesome for Star Wars/Sci Fi fans it stays close to the movie it is really nice on the eyes (lots of eye candy) normal sound great unlockables great star wars fun! I suggest rent it first beat it then decide if you want to buy it again this can be a 1 day rental lol shame its so easy.
It gets fun every couple of months or like whever you watch EP3 you'll want to play it so don't sell it to quickly.