No matter how bad the graphics are, you can't play this without having at least a little fun.

User Rating: 7 | Star Wars: Dark Forces PS
Many many people think this game is a piece of crap; but if you ask them why, 90% of them will say something about the graphics. Yeah, so the graphics are pretty bad, but if you look past that, and into the story and gameplay, you find a pretty good little shooter. when you first start, the controls are a little awkward, some people would even say bad; but as you go on the controls will come to you and it will be pretty easy. In my opinion, you do not have to be a huge star wars fan to like this game, but i am only one person. There was only one bad thing about this game and that is the sound. this game sounds like it is ported from the SNES or something, but even that i found to be quite enjoyable after a while. In the end, while there are much better shooters out there, you cant help but have a little fun playing this game. my advice: if you see it, buy it!