It's just sad

User Rating: 1 | Star Wars Battlefront II PC

It's sad that such a loved franchise has fallen victim to EA's greed. It's sad to see that every game this publisher has put off in the last year or so is pretty much aligned with this practice. Every time I open up a game from them it feels like running and playing at a slot machine with so little control or input from the player. It's clear to me that these practices aren't going to just go away from a company that has made it's revenue based on micro transactions in the last years, it will just kill them. What I do want to happen is that the gaming community makes a stance against such practices and with a little bit of luck force Disney to cancel EA's license over Star Wars. For me personally it has been a lesson to stay away from any so-called AAA titles from EA, but I would like to hope at least this franchise survives in the world of gaming. Please, keep yourself informed about this and help this community make a change. There are a ton of videos on Youtube describing this in better words that I could ever do. I don't know, just type "The Untold History of EA's Long (and Rich) Pay-2-Win Love Affair"...