Good Graphics, but not Star Trek. This is a Space fighter Wearing a Star Trek Insignia.

User Rating: 6 | Star Trek Online PC
When I first started playing I was exited, The ships looked spot on, the character customization was breathtaking and the game community was immense. But the honeymoon was over sooner than with Most MMO's. The Game does not offer a varied experience. Once I reached Lieutenant Commander (the second rank in the game) I found that I was just going through basically the same missions in the same systems and planets but with different names and slightly different numbers of enemies. The missions all have a very recycled feel to them. Leveling happens too slowly and is a grind if there ever was one.

The game has no Star Trek aspect of true exploration, you can fly for hours collecting anomalies for crafting, but that is all there is to "exploration" in this game.

There is no diplomatic option in this game, every task, encounter and, situation is solved with weapons and not words. I was hoping for more of a interactive NPC dynamic but there is none.

With no negotiation, only combat, the game ends up a series of entirely too long space battles. The space combat was enjoyable at first but it is truly the only experience in this game. The ground missions are small re-hashed versions of previous planets and you will end up seeing the same eight layouts, bases and planets on every mission you go on.

I would suggest skipping Star Trek Online, unless you do not have any other Trek Games that can wet your Thirst for Star Trek experience.