There should have been more trek, and even less william shatner

User Rating: 5.2 | Star Trek: Encounters PS2
I am a devoted trekkie, and for 14.95, i had to get this game. lets see, where to start......

first off, the narration by william shatner (captin kirk) is down right horrible or as some say, "shat-tastic" it seems as though he was more focused on his cheeseburger than on this game.

the game it self is okay. but there is so much filler in missions, likefollowing warp trails, going through warp conduits, that when you finally do get to shoot enemy ships, it is like a gift from the heavens. you control your ship through an overhead view, and eventhough the controlls arent perfect, they are problem is that the smaller ships you play( defiant, voyager, nx-01) are just that, small, on screen. but that is not all bad, as it shows that not all ships are the same size. also, some of the objectives are near impossable like one where you have to tow a reactor through a battle, but it only one shot to destroy it.

but personally, i play the campaign for the skirmish mode. finishing levels wins you ships and maps for the multi player and skirmish modes.
there are head to head( no explanation needed) battle fest (where you start with your races smallest ship and work your way up to the largest.), and onslaught, where you choose a ship and fight waves of enemies untill you are destroyed.

overall, the graphics are good, and sound is okay( with the exception of : "the Shat")

although this game has its good moments, with allthe filler, and usless stuffin this game, it is probably only worth a rent if your not a die hard trekkie.